Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Welding Aluminum - 3 Airways to Produce a smooth Weld on Aluminum

Aluminum welding - Hi buddy welder, see aluminum used in a variety of furniture, it is very rapid growth in aluminum welding. Start of welding aluminum canopy, home furnishings, kitchenware and tools "are made from aluminum. Surely you will be prosecuted to how to produce a neat and smooth welding.

Here are three ways that may help you to get organized and good at welding aluminum:

1. Load Wire Into Machine
There are tricks to properly load the aluminum wire to wire feed welder. While the same technique should be used with steel wire electrodes, it is vital to the loading of aluminum wire, to avoid feeding problems during welding.

With one hand, grasp the wire spool securely so it does not biodegrade. After you remove the plastic wrap, loosely holding the tip of the wire with the other hand - do not let go until you lock the cable to the drive coil.

Experienced operators usually let loose and the end of the spool began to unravel. If this occurs, it may be wound back up and still doing it right - you'll have to buy another spool.

2. Rem Set the Voltage Wire
The idea is to have just enough tension to keep the wire from unraveling, but not too much tension, causing a drag on the wire. To do this, set the wire spool brake tension to the minimum setting. Then, load the spool and fed through the drive rolls. With everything stops, if the spool continues to spin on its own, there is no enough brake tension. Be careful though, because the brakes too much tension can put excessive force on the wire.

3. Set the Tension Roll Hard
This step is probably the most important in the overall set-up process. The experts from Lincoln recommend holding the nozzle about 1 "away from the surface of isolated slightly tilted Then, adjust the tension hard rolls close to the minimum Pull the trigger and watch the behavior of - .. As touching the surface of the insulated wire, the coils must be slipping Tighten down hard from that point until wire stops slipping .. Once again, a word of caution, because the wire is set too tight will tend to 'birdnest' This means the wire to stop the gun. but the drive is still spinning reels result is a wire feed rolls out of the drive and birdnests, or back up and tangled, anywhere along the drive -. the guide tube, the gun boats, etc.

Remember, when you adjust the tension rolls hard in the manner described above, that when the trigger gun is pressed, the wire is electrically hot, so always wear gloves, a pair of welding quality.

And Ensure Good Electrical Connection clamp to be attached to the work in the welding area free of paint and contaminants. To clean sheet, use a cleaning solvent to remove oil and grease. Make sure that the surface dry before you weld. Also, do not weld with flammable materials nearby, such as paint or solvent containers. As a second step, use a brush, stainless steel wire net to remove all oxide from the aluminum surface. Centralwelding thus provide little information to you.

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